July 2019: The 39th international folk festival of Pays de Hanau

The 39th edition of the international folk festival took place during the week-end of july 20th  to 21th 2019 in Imbsheim of the Pays de Hanau in France.

During the first evening three dance groups performed alternately : the Russian dance ensemble « Zadorinki » from Voroney in Russia, the greek music and dance group « La Fondation Petrou G. Zissi » from Halandri in Greece and the folk group « Pays de Hanau » of Bouxwiller.


On Sunday other folk dance and music groupes join the event : the Armenian dance group «Renaissance» and the Polynesian association « Noa Noa Tahiti » from Strasbourg, the folk dance group «Les Marcaires» de Munster (France) and the drums and brass band of d’Ernolsheim-lès-Saverne.

The groupe Renaissance appreciates having been invited by Mme Georgette Weber to participate in this fantastic festival with all these groups from all over the world and to perform for a delighted audience. The enjoy to carry on the cooperation for further projects.

-> site of the inviting group

->article in the local paper, DNA

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